Wednesday, September 22, 2010


two minuts later i will go to sleep. im so so tired, even if i didnt do anything today, just been at work and sitting in Remis car. Remi, Veronika, HC and me.. driving around as allways! hehe..
i just had weirdooo costomers at work today, really. one guy, who didnt want help from me bcs i was a girl and he ment i didnt have any clue about what kind of oil he had to use on his boat. heeeeelllo!!! im working there, of course i know... anyway, he edmit that he was a littlebit to thirsty all the time ( we are talking about alcohol here).. thats why he was spending so much time in his boat, bcs he thought it was better then running around drunk in centrum, which i can be agree with. but then i was thinking; poor man, what if he gets too drunk when he is on the wather? who is going to help him if he is falling over board? Jesus..

people are so different. all kinds of people. sweet people. happy people. sad people. scared people. nervouse people. crazy people. alcoholic people. angry people. scary people. weird people. poor people. shy people. extroverted people. funny people. loquacious people... you name it. we are all so different.. its weird to think about. but in the end we all want one thing right? the same have someone near and around us.. someone who cares. dont we all want to be liked or loved by someone ?  

at work i see so many differnt people who is coming in every day. hehe.. its funny to think about it now.. like one time, we had an old man who came in, and he wanted a hotdog. he went behind the desk where we are making the food. he had big glasses, and he opend up a look to where we are making the hotdogs warm... lot of steam came up when he opend it ( who is doing that by the way?) and he looked at us with his big glasses full of dew so im sure he couldnt see a damn thing, and said: "do you have any hotdogs today?" og my God he was so sweet. we couldnt stop laugh of it.. and after he also wanted a beer, which we dosnt have, and  wanted to pay 12NOK for everything.. i think he thinks we are still living in 1965, but this is 2010 old man!  with 12 kroners you are not coming anyway :) hehe. but he got he hotdog for 12,- of  course! but enough about that! 

the vikings are aslo making their entry this days i noticed today... but i think they got a new model. modern one, new fashion for the vikings.. i got fascinated.. so just had to take a picture.. here it is!

og my god, have to go to bed now, my eyes is just falling dooown.. my stomach is screaming for food, but the rest if my body is screaming for the bed.. and i think the rest of my body is winning right now.. sorry stomach, you have to get energy tomorrow!

good night, sweet dreams!
iyi geceler, tatli rüyalar!


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