Monday, January 31, 2011

photoshoot?! or yeah..

have been spending time with my lovely Hanne today <3 we had fun.. started the day with a delicious cup of nescafe (of course from Turkey!) while we were chatting about everything and nothing.. great! we decided to take a walk to our favourite place on Nøtterøy, Whilhelmsen pier.. woop! we havnt been there for a long time.. last time i was there was with Emilie in the beginning of summer 2010 i think? and it was really cold back then..  anyways.. also now it was pretty cold, but we were thinking it was a nice place to take some pictures.. cus we are really jelaouse about one picture that Bilal and Serhat took in Konakli. that picture is so so nice, so we wanted one of us too, but it wasnt as good as we had thought it would be.. :/ jeje we had fun so whatever. next time it will be perfect! we also run of out of battery on our cameras.. doh!

here is some of the pictures ;) 

tatlim benim

we found a buoy, which is usually out in the water.
we borrowed it!
you & me



prenses! ;D
well, that was some of the pictures :)

dag 2.

Mine foreldre.

Mamshi Mamsha er verdens snilleste, det synes nå hvertfall jeg.. hun gjør absolutt alt for meg og lillebror, alt for at vi skal ha det bra. Mamma er en rar liten skrue, det kan jeg godt si. men det er hvertfall ingenting vondt i henne. noen ganger er hun som et lite barn, innmari søt. men lite teknisk, det er ikke til å legge bak en stein.. som for et par dager siden da jeg skulle hjelpe henne med å komme på facebook, for nå var hun jammen lei av at alle vennene hennes var der og ikke hun selv.. såå jaa. vi satte i gang da. et prosjekt som skulle vise seg å være vanskeligere enn jeg hadde trodd. og som jeg måtte sette av mer tid til enn det jeg gjort! så absolutt! vi kom til Passord.... greit.. det kan være vanskelig å komme på noe i farta.. men 18 minutter?! kanskje i lengste laget? og så presterer hun å komme opp med; "hva med HOME? altså, som i hjem?" ja rimelig kort mamma, og nå har du allerede sagt det til meg og jens petter?! åja, søren det var jo dumt da.. hun kom på noe til slutt og vi fikke mekka denne profilen og greier og hun ble sjeleglad da hun hadde 5 venner.. så var det  dette med meldinger og slikt da, hver gang hun fikk en såkalt "varsel".. begynte hun å fnise som en liten skolejente som har fått en hemmelig lapp i timen.. gurimalla! søt er hun neste dag hadde hun glemt alt og vi måtte ha opplæring på nytt ;)
mamshi mamsha hadde jeg aldri i verden klart meg uten, det skal være snickers og twist. selvom vi er ganske så forskjellige så er vi jo ganske like også.. vi ler like mye, er ganske så blide og fornøyde begge to, utrolig følsomme, glad i mennesker. men smaken er som baken den er delt.. er neimen ikke alt som er likt heller. uansett elsker jeg mamma så høøøyt <3

Pappa er det fineste mennesket. han døde for 2 måneder siden.. jeg savner han så forferdelig mye. det er nå jeg forstår hvor mye han har betydd for meg og hvor mye jeg har trengt han og hvor mye jeg trenger han nå. han var alltid der for meg, bare noen tastetrykk unna så var han på vei om det var noe. jeg har alltid hatt et veldig godt forhold til pappa, og det er jeg så vanvittig glad for! alle elsket han, jeg vet ikke om et eneste menneske som ikke liker pappa.. han var helt spesiell og det er så mange som tenker på og savner han nå. alltid hjalp han alle fremfor seg selv. han var et godt menneske, lignet ikke på noen andre. avslappet og behagelig å være sammen med. vi hadde det alltid gøy sammen. hadde alltid noen morsomme kommentarer på lur. gode armer og kaste seg inn i om man trengte en klem. det er så rart at jeg aldri skal få se han her igjen. det gjør så vondt, så utrolig vondt. en del av meg er på en måte borte.. og det kommer aldri til å bli det samme uten han. alt som skulle skje. å pappa, om jeg bare fikk gitt deg en siste klem og høre stemmen din. jeg elsker deg for evig pappa, du er i tankene mine hele tiden. <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dag 1

10 fakta om meg:
  1. Jeg hater småkryp, og da spessielt edderkopper.. usch de er ekkle.. 
  2. Flink til å bruke penger, og da særlig penger jeg ikke har.
  3. Jeg kan bli veldig veldig sint og da er det nok best å holde seg unna, det har mamma erfart med et tak rundt halsen oppimot veggen. stakkars søte mamma!
  4. Men jeg er jo også for det meste blid og glad og ler en hel masse! 
  5. Jeg elsker Tyrkia og det tyrkiske folk. spennende og merkelig mennesker.
  6. Er et matvrak. Elsker mat... mmh!
  7. Mitt favorittfag på skolen var religion.
  8. Kan ikke leve uten familien min. Hva skulle jeg ha gjort uten lillebror og mamma? i dont know.. 
  9. Bruker str 37 i sko. 
  10. Liker å lage mat.
var det noe mer er det bare å spørre.. svært vanskelig å komme på noe i farta egentlig.. men det var hvertfall litt fakta om meg da.. :) og et bilde på kjøpet!


Den her har jeg stjålet fra Fanny, og den skal gjennomføres også.. Det kan ikke bli vanskelig, så mye fritid jeg har.. Haha.. Jeje da er det jo bare å sette i gang da?

Dag 1 – En bild på mig + 10 fakta om mig.
Dag 2 - Mina föräldrar.
Dag 3 - Mina syskon.
Dag 4 – Bild på mig och min bästa vän.
Dag 5 – Det här älskar jag.
Dag 6 – Mina drömmar.
Dag 7 – Mitt drömjobb.
Dag 8 – Min tro.
Dag 9 – Det här upprör mig.
Dag 10 – Det här saknar jag.
Dag 11 – Mitt favoritminne.
Dag 12 – Min favoritfödelsedag.
Dag 13 – Min favoritplats.
Dag 14 – En person jag vill träffa just nu.
Dag 15 – Min favorit årstid och varför.
Dag 16 – Min favorithögtid.
Dag 17 – Vad jag skulle göra om jag fick 1 miljon.
Dag 18 – En dålig vana jag önskar att jag inte hade.
Dag 19 – Favoritsysslor.
Dag 20 – Vad är kärlek?
Dag 21 – Typ av killar jag faller för.
Dag 22 – Mitt drömbröllop.
Dag 23 – En bild på mig själv för ett år sen.
Dag 24 – Någonting jag ångrar.
Dag 25 – Någonting jag oroar mig för.
Dag 26 – En bild på ett ställe jag vart på.
Dag 27 – En bild på mig själv som är tagen utav någon annan.
Dag 28 – En person jag vill byta liv med för en dag – och varför.
Dag 29 – Min favorit film.
Dag 30 – Någonting jag vill ha mer än nåt annat just nu.

kjemp med hjernhanske!

Ja nå sitter jeg her i pysj og de nye raggsokkene jeg fikk til jul! (kan vi ha julaften en gang til snarest? jeg har ei 10 kroner en gang!) ja jeg vet klokken er over 15.00 men jeg har ikke tenkt til å tråkke ut av pysjen av den grunn.. not yet. snakker med Hanne på msn, og gleder meg til hun kommer en tur hjem i kveld, da skal jeg kose på henne! vi driver å deler litt videoer nå, herregud så mye rart vi har gjort egentlig, jeg blir litt satt ut jeg.. vi er innmari morsomme da!

Nå fikk jeg en vits av Patrick.. jeg lo, innrømmer det! :D  
- hvilket dyr i jungelen er mest keen på dop og damer? 
- svar: hyppopotomus !

solen skinner og jeg skal sitte inne å jobbe med en oppgave vi har fått fra Apollo. skrive 8 sider om Finland, Danmark, Sverige og Norge.. fakta om landene, religion, politikk, styrelsesform, historie, folkesjel, kunst litteratur, fordommer og you name it.. ALT! jeeejee.. kan bli festlig, hæla i taket og tenna i tapeten! men må gjøres! det er faktisk akkuratt som å være tilbake på skolebenken, og slike prosjekter som dette elsket jeg jo en gang i tiden, gudene vet hvorfor.. nerd.. men skal gjøre det så bra som mulig. ingen slurving i svingene her nei.. i tillegg mye å lære og lese seg opp til i forkant av dette kurset.. mye man skal kunne og klistre fast i hjernebarken! minsunner folk med klisterhjerne altså.. urettferdig!

forresten fredag var en koselig kveld, sammenlignet med formiddagen.. dagen brukte jeg til å kjøre til Torød barnehage for å sette meg på vikarliste.. hadde time klokken 11.00 og måtte vente til 11.35 på hun jeg skulle snakke med.. sånt liker jeg ikke.. snakket og skrev kontrakt.. kjørte til politistasjonen for å få en politiattest som man må han når man skal jobbe i barnehager, med mennesker eller på skoler.. for å se at jeg er en egnet person altså.. ( det er jeg! ikke tro noe annet.. ) kom til politiet og ventet en stund på min tur.. endelig min tur, men den sure damen i skranken sa; " denne er ikke gyldig! det står ikke spesifisert om du skal jobbe i barnehage eller på skole. det er mange forskjellige politiattester vet du.. ! du får nok komme tilbake med en ordentlig kontrakt, der det ikke bare står at du er vikar eller assistent".... jasså, jeg ble sur og krøllet kølappen min og gjorde den voldsomme ugjerningen og forsøplet den med sinne ned på politihusets gulv! MENS folk så på.. utlendinger da, så de synes sikkert bare det var kult gjort. men det var bare i sinne!

etter denne lille opptrednen ble jeg ganske forbannet rett og slett og gikk på Ginatricot for å finne den fine dressjakken med gullknapper som jeg tenkte jeg skulle kjøpe på gavekortet mitt.. lette over hele butikken da jeg tok motet til meg og spurte den altfor hyggelige jenta bak disken om de hadde den.. neeei, den hadde ikke fått inn.. kanskje de fikk den inn neste uke så jeg fikk komme tilbake da.. usch, tenkte jeg skulle få en liten opptur med en ny jakke på en dustete dag.. jaja.. får prøve til uken igjen da! så hadde jeg ingen andre valg enn å kjøre igjen ut til Torød for å snakke med sjefen igjen, da det viste seg at det faktisk stod BARNEHAGE på kontrakten! jeg kunne slått den politi-skranke-dama altså.. er det mulig. se litt nærmere på papirene neste gang da! aaaaah! dro tilbake til samme dama og sa tydelig ifra på en mindre hyggelig måte at det stod barnehage på kontrakten.. uten en eneste unnskyldning for at jeg måtte kjøre helt tilbake å betale mer i bensin, parkeringsavgift og bompenger, sa hun med en nokså sur stemme; " ja det var ikke min skyld, for jeg er ikke vant med sånne kontrakter, har jeg aldri sett faktisk. det er hvertfall ikke vanlig da må det være noe nytt!"

kvelden tilbrakte jeg hos Veronika med Cecilia, Birgitte og Karianne og min gode venn Mr.Rødvin. ikke god venn, det ble 2 glass det.. rødvin er trøtthetsfremkallende.. derfor sovnet Veronika og jeg kl 06.00. rett hyggelig var det!
vi spilte det feteste spillet den kvelden kombineret med mye bla bla bla, det var gøy det. kaldt "fra A til Å". det skal jeg lett kjøpe! det var avhengighetsskapende .
gårsdagen tilbrakte jeg også hos Veronika, spiste "Kanda-toast" til frokost.. den knuller i munnen altså! kunne sikkert haspist 20 uten å blunke! kanskje litt å ta i men den er god as.så vi koste oss skikkelig på morgenkvisten.
den toasten som har dette merket på seg vet dere.. som man kjøper i kiosker og sånt. 
endelig i butikken og ser slik ut! mmh!
dro hjem i 4-tiden og lagde et eksplosjonskort for mamma med masse bilder til tante Berit som ble 50 år. hipp hipp hurra hurra hurra! stressa ble jeg ferdig fem på seks og skulle kjøre den fine mammaen min så hun var i party kl 18.00.. kom litt forsent men who cares..?! dro hjem hoppet i dusjen, kranglet litt med Serr`ern, ble litt venn med han igjen og stakk til Veronika og glante tv.. en utrolig fin og trist film (jakten på lykke tror jeg den het) med Will Smith i hovedrollen sammen med sin ekte sønn.. har sagt det før og sier det igjen, den gutten kommer til å bli så kjekk når han blir stor! såå pen allerede i en alder av 5 liksom! jeg gråt en hel masse.. men ble i godt humør da tv-tittingen ble etterfulgt av "søstrene kardashian". det er bare EKTE KJÆRLIGHET å se på.. haha jeg dævver!
liker liker liker
 nei skal jeg sette i gang å skrive litt da? er ikke keen men, leveringsfristen er 10 feb. så har ennå en god stund på meg..

Thursday, January 27, 2011

time to move my ass!

well, today i have just been sitting with papers and things about the guide course for Apollo. its so much to read and so much things i have to remember until the course is starting.. im really excited now.. all the other guys who were at the interview on monday is also going to the course. thats great! Lusina, Joachim, Barbara, Frank, Margaret and me.. well thats nice.. but its a lot to do before we are going, have to make i presentation of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.. two pages of every country, and i really dont know why we have to do it.. cus we will not read it for someone, will will just send it to Apollo.. but im sure they have they reasons for letting us do it.. i will do it on sunday... it like going back to scool again :P

but anyway.. its just 17 days until i am leaving.. kind of crazy to think about.. to a city in Turkey were i havnt been before, ahh it will be so good i think.. looking forward to come to this new city, Cesme! so for 3 weeks i will stay there, and they promise that it will be 3 hard weeks with lessons and 6 exams.. crap... ! not so much freetime, but i will try to get some.. cus Serhat is planning  to visit me.. and Ali, my best friend, will visit me.. cus he is living not far away at all.. that will be fun! nice to see them again :) 

but still im a poor girl, and really need some money! trying to get some work in kindergardens around here, but they dont need anyone right now. :(  they wil call me if they need. i hope someone will get sick so they need me. hehe.. that was not nice to say, but im so serious. will go to an interview tomorrow to put my name to a list so people can call me up if they need temporary staff to work! so mamy i will get some monet in my pocket before im leaving.. thats a step forward right!?

now im waiting for food( i looooove food), mom is making. she is the best <3 and after that i will drive into sentrum to look for a jacket that i really want.. i got some giftcards for christmas that i will use, cus as i said i dont have any money, not even 5 norwegian kroners..  =P never been so poor in my whole life ! 
Sweet Cecilia is coming later, didnt see her for some time now.. so that will be nice.. :) dont know what we will do.. but chat a lot i think! ;)


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

i want i want i want!

From Ginatricot
Lee Jeans
im in love with this clothes, but i am allready in minus on my creditcard.. fuck! tomorrow i really have to go out looking for some work! :/ Damn it!

Whats up?

  • they wanted me in Apollo, so i will go to a guide course in Cesme in Turkey, 14.feb-7.march.
  • will stop using Snus. Hanne did that and she is saying: "if u dont get any nicotin you are getting so horny, belive me!!" Patrick is allready finding some fuckfriends, cus he will stop using it too!
  • currently i attract me unusually many strange people. weird! why?
  • i have found my dream-apartment in Alanya! so i just need 39 000 Euro! someone?!
  • i want a job?! help me.. just for 1 month? 
  • and right now im thinking a lot.... hmmm
well, now i have to go, with mom.. see ya :)

weirdo day!

Woke up 05.30 to take the train to Oslo 07.00 for an interview in Apollo. I was so f#*king tired, so good that Oslo Central Station was the last station, cus i was in my deepest sleep! the man next to me woke me up and told me i had arrived Oslo. Thanks man!
While i was waiting for my friend Janne who was going to be my guide to Apollos office this day, i bougth myself a ring and some new gloves because SOMEONE took mine in Alanya in wintertime.. woundering who that was?! I really loved those gloves..  :( 

the ring
 Anyways.. Didnt wait for Janne more then 15 minuts, so we went to take a coffee and talk a bit before i had to go.. it was really nice to see her again! She came home from Paris yesterday, and was still used to having people opened doors for her and was over-friendly! But we have to face it, this is fucking Norway! You get no service or a nice smile or comments here, No... If people can be friendly without any reason here i Norway??? no, sorry they cant.. If you want that, then you have come to the wrong country.. 

So .. After coffee we went to the Apollo office, which was not the Apollo office. But rather where you book your flights and stuff.. So i had to run to an other one, and came some minuts to late. But it was ok i think. Mr. Vidar N. who was the leader of our course today, was really nice and he understood. Everything he said was very interesting and after ha had been talking for a while we got some tests and after that an interview. and DONE. that was all.. short and good. from 10.30 until 13.30. not bad at all.. :)

Got to know the people i was there with, we were only 6 people so not many at all. i went to a bar or something to take a beer with Joakim and Lucia(?) just to celebrate that we was finished with the interview and stuff. so we were just sitting there talking talking and talking... 
before i took the train on my way home Janne and me had a really nice lunch at Egons restaurant, nachos <3

I took the train to Drammen and to the best girl in the world <3 Hanne! just relaxed in her arms watching tv.. AND, i think Hanne has been a little crazy lately, flipped out a bit. vus when i was there now she dyed her hair BROWN, like really brown. but HOLY MACARONI! she was HAAAAAT with that hair, so sexy!

on the 22.20- train home to Tønsberg it
sat a drugged girl and talking shit to all the people on the train all the time.. really annoying. and she also talked shit to the old people, i really felt so sorry for them :/  i`ve never heard any girl talked so bad except CH (minidisco amina koyim) !
but this girl was talking with her friend in the phone and she talked about taking heroin and never wake up again, cus she didnt want to live anymore.. she said.. dont belive it.. but.. but she said something that was actually funny.. its funny in norwegian! or not funny, but sounds. haha i dont know.. i started to smile when she sad it..

"alt jeg har er et brukt snickerpapir under skoen min, så hakke så mye å tape!" 
 "everything i have is a used snickers-paper under my shoe, so i dont have much to loose" - or something like that!.  

well, now im sooo tired people! goodnight and sleep well! i learned today that you are just sleeping and dreaming for 45 minuts during the night. you are using a good while to go into your sleep, a deep sleep were you dreaming, and a long time to come out of your sleep again. so there are actually three phases of sleep! just if u wanted to know ;) well nighty !

Sunday, January 23, 2011

a movie you just HAVE TO see!

anyone who has seen "get him to the greek"? seriously if you havnt seen it, get in the car or on the road or whatever and find the fastest way to rent the movie! its so freaking funny. i nearly died when i saw it.. and im still laughing! no kidding. its the coolest movie ever. hilarious! :D

"Now i am manipulating you! Do you feel my dick in your head right now!?
"I hope you àre wearing a condom, because now im getting really dirty thoughts!"

and Aldous Snow.. Katharina and me found out that he was actually quite hot .. cool guy and handsome + CRAZY!  .. nja, shouldnt have complained! ;D haha.. 

not bad at all ?

a clip here with Aldous Snow and the U! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

yeah yeah chacha!

woke up around 9.30 today, when my mom also found out that Snoop Dogg (our cat) had pooped all over my room and also in my BED! :O  usch thats so disgusting! mom cleaned and i was eating a salad while waiting for Katharina to pick me up. we were going to the gym.. no! im not kidding.. i said  to the GYM! 2 years sience last time maybe? hehe.. over 1 hour, it was fun. but also hard.. i nearly died.

now i am waiting for Katharina, again.. she will pick me up, again... this time we will drive to Gaustablikk, again... was there last weekend too, but this is with different people. i dont even know them, just Katharina! :) hope it will be fun! and this time i will wake early up to go snowboarding.. and i will be there all day.. !

just one bad thing, we dont have any money :P but we will find a way .. hehehe. soo bye for now. will come back home some days later :) görüsürüz a lanS <3

Monday, January 17, 2011

internett shopping !  ugg`s and other shoes. really cheap!  they have so many nice clothes, and right now they also have a big sale going on. up to 70% off! take a look. i LOVE this site! also have some nice clothes, and also here its up to 70% off now. 

olalala! can someone give me some money? cus im only putting clothes in my shopping bag, and later i have to delete it.. param bitti.. thats not cool! :P

on the mountain !

Friday around four a clock my two cousins came and pick my brother and me up at home. we were going to the mountain, Gaustablikk! i was driving with Ina Karoline and Jens Petter were driving with Lars Christian. we bought food on the way up the mountain. and we ended up with a shopping cart so full that it almost ran over. food for at least 10 people. and of course we had to stop by for some redwine, vodka and beer :) as for my part should turn out to mean ...troubles!
Karoline were driving perfectly up the steep, slippery roads to the cabin. all arrived safely to the cabin without any problems. eeeh .. except that the washer fluid on our car had frozen into a big lump, so we couldnt see much while we were driving.. but it went well.. came in to a warm cabin and we sat down with some crisps and a cold beer each. for Karolines part a Smirnoff Ice .. must say i was actually a littlebit jealous of it the beer is not my best friend! later we had taco for dinner. of course, cus thats all we are eating in Norway.. we dont eat anything else then taco, thats what people from other countries are thinking about us and food !
tired people..

best brother in the world <3

Lars felt a sleep, and after 16 hours of sleep he was still tired :P
next morning Jens Petter was up before 11! thats a shock! but he didnt wake us up so he was waiting for a really long time for us to be ready. the skiresort closed at 4 but we managed to do some skiing before it closed. it was fun to do it again, havnt been snowboarding for over 2 years. i still remembered how to do it, but we got some sick pain in your legs. i promise, i think i have never had such pain in my legs ever!
Karoline. she was really in pain bcs of her hurting feets.. :(

me ..
cousins <3
went down to the afterski for something to drink.. was actually many people there. mostly people around 30-40-50years.. so it wasnt that fun.. but it was good music, and we had a fun time together though! :) decided to come back later, cus they were not closing that night, unless they didnt have any customers..

Lars Christian :)

nice ;)
Karoline at the afterskiiii ;)
me and my enemy Mr. Beer !
went home around 17.00 for making some food and to play beergame... i know i got a little drunk.. anyway. we made the best food i have tasted in a long time.. ooo it was delicious! getting hungry when im thinking about it now.. creamed potatoes, meat with bacon and cheese, pepper sauce and broccoli. just take a look. 

Skål ;)
after the delicious dinner, the evening continued with music, dance, a good dose of laughter and of course beergame! before we went down to the pub were we met Knut (i thought he was swedish so i was speaking sweidish with him all eavning) and Robin (who was from the same town as us, Tønsberg) nice people! they took us to "the Scottish peoples cabin", cus they said they were really cool people. and they had a afterparty there. we came in, and belive me the cabin looked more like a canteen that was cleared for a party! i really hope they didnt live there. that is was just a cabin they could use when they wanted.. anyway.. they had a dancefloor... :D and Karoline and me were pushed out on the dancefloor by some scottish guys.. and i think we were dancing all night long.. we were three girls, Karoline, a swedish girl Lars hooked up with and me, rest of they people were boys. :/  i think its Karoline and my fault why the other girls left, cus i think they got angry when we were dancing with their SCHOTTISH FRIENDS. haha.. jeje... be angry, bana ne i dont care. i got Koskenkorva from one of the guys, i was about to puke. usch! pure vodka from the bottle is just not ok at all, especially not Koskenkorva!

dont know what happend later. hehehe.. but someone spilled beer on the schottish peoples laptop and suddently everyone was moving away form the dancefloor. why was it just me and ...a guy.. left at the dancefloor? well, i dont wanna know. anyway, i took the responsibility myself to find the guilty one. " shut up people!!! who did it?? " .. think anyone did listen to me? no... so a friendly schottish boy named SCOTT, said thanks for my help and proposed to continue the party with a half-working laptop. and just some minuts later i had been giving my cardigan away to a JD-guy. cus he was walking around in t-shirt, it was freezing cold. so i decided that he was cold too and we walked them home. :)  nice people as we are. both, Karoline and Lars drove in a condition that is not allowed, but as Karoline said: " we are on the mountain, no police here".. deli kiz ;) so thats how we came home.

dont wanna talk about the next morning. i was throwing up all day... absloutt vodka + jegermeister + beer + baileys + koskenkorva = hangover delux!
but i managed to make breakafast for the other guys.. egg and bacon. didnt do anything that day, so around 6 we say goodbye to the cabin and jumped in the cars and then we were on our way home.. it was a great trip we had so much fun, 4 cousins on a cabin! ;D

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Dress Anyone?

I have a dress hanging in my closet .. bought it in summertime but its too big for me. unfortunately, because i really love it! bought it when i was going to my cousins wedding last summer. it is a "Forever Unique"-dress and has previously cost 2100 NOK. someone who is interested in buying it? its a Size 3. send a message if you are interested ;) 



Thursday, January 13, 2011

cleaning time, 00.30 in the night.. jeeje

well im trying to clean my room. and when im cleaning my room, EVERYTHING have to been taken out first.. sooo my floor looks really great now:D or.. haha. in fact all of my room looks pretty nice now .. or just completely awful! agree or not ?
but it helps to listen to Tarkan while clean though.. öp öp öp öp doyamadim ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

picture of the day

actually the only picture of the day.. me and my mom.. had been walking for 2 hours. and it was really really cold.. and scary, cus it was so dark in the forest. "Arondsletta forest"! mom <3
"but tine, i dont have any make up on :( !"


a good start :D been eating breakfast with my mom now.. it was a long time since last time we did that..baguettes with feta cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes, love it! and of course nescafe.. mmh nice <3
later mom and i will go for a walk, cus its so nice weather today. still a lot of snow but not that cold..
this weekend i am going to the mountains with my brother, my cousins and some other people. that will be so nice i think. finally i can do snowboarding again. but its a long time since i last did it, 2 years or something. so i hope i still remember how to do it! hehe:)

see ya..

what can i do.... sometimes?

sitting here doing nothing right now, i should go to bed really, but not that much tired yet... im so bored! P-PlutPlut called me a little while ago .. difficult, what to do? i do NOT know. God, give me a sign or something please? life is really difficult sometimes. if its not the one thing, then its the other one! right? buuut anyways.. im still a bit happy now, because ooooof Papita <3 
türk Papita cikolata <3 o lala!
now when i have been eaing papita im thinking about what im going to do this year.. just got a mail from Apollo, asking if i can come to Oslo 24.january for an interview about a guidecourses that they will have in Alanya from 24.february until 7. march.. im still thinking about if im gonna do it or not? i dont know.. they need to get a fast answer from me, last day is friday 14. 12.00 o clock. shit.. i have also applied for a guide job in a travelcompany called "Tyrkiareiser". i might actually want that one instead? wææ i dont know.. maybe i wont eaven get the job there. well i just have to wait for one mail from them. and then i will see.. usch.. hate this, but its what i want.. i think.. hmm.. 

or maybe i should just be a GOLDEN ANIMATOR!!!? :D   haha

bos ver.. im going to sleep now.. if im lucky i will find work tomorrow.. cünkü simdi param bitti :( please cross your fingers for me lanS!  goodnight & sweet dreams ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a fishermans best catch!

want fish for dinner? haha.

well Lille Venn.. haha.. when i came home from Turkey i understood who song you were singing all morning! but you know its not so easy to find out which song it is when you are singing Serhat-lyrics.. cus they are so different yo know.. hehe.. so when my brother picked me up in the airport he said, "can u find italobrothers on my i phone? they have a new song i have to hear it".. tamam, so i did.. and then we were also listen to. "love is on fire"...  OF COURSE! hehe it was THAT song you were singing ;) hehe..

Monday, January 10, 2011

günaydin | goodmorning!

ahh.. sun is shining and i still do nothing.. have been driving mom to work and now i am eating tunasalad for breakfast! mmm<3 but i have to say that Bilals tunasalad is so much better..
well, soon i have to go out looking for a new job.. off.. hehe. and have to visit my old work for giving my boss some papers or documents.. and call an other old work, where my dad was working, cus i am the only one who know things there.. so they need me. soo yeah.. usch funny day huh? thank god i will meet Hanne later <3

norvec norvec niye norvec ya?

now im sitting here with a cup of Türkiye, nescafe! sitting here wondering what the hell i will do now.. dont wanna do anything, but on the other side it will be so boring doing nothing at all.. have to find a job tomorrow i think. my contract in the kindergarden has expired so.. well what can i do.... sometimes? 

just wanna go back to paradise again :) 
  • Balikcilar
  • James Dean
  • Tunasalad
  • Kuafor
  • Scooter
  • Lila apart
  • Sok
  • Go cart
  • Egg for breakfast (which i also made today, but didnt taste as good as it does in Turkey)
  • Serhat`s Ekmek ve Tavuk
  • Disco Pogo
  • Long Island Ice tea
  • Discoturkdance
  • Mega Mac at Mc Donalds
  • Backstreet tattoo
  • Biliardo
  • Efes Bufè
  • Robin Hood 
  • Menemen
  • Dance like Hanna
  • Romantic eavning in the sofa with candles and movie. ( ghost rider )
  • Kaktus
  • Beergame
  • Hoppa hoppa hoppapa hadi kayim harasov
  • Yagmur
and so many more things....! 

we had so many nice days this time, actually every day was great! even though we had rain almost every day.. Yagmur? Bana ne, it was nice anyway! wouldnt change anything of it. we were all friends for once, and thats really good. we didnt even had one fight! or.. yes we had one fight. but that was bcs of someone else.. tamam this is the story: 

we were driving home from harbour in New Year... Serhat was driving the scooter with me behind him, and a guy was running out right infront of us. serhat stopped, and i said " oi Serhat!"... the guy started to say; " oi serhat oi serhat"- all the time and he started to say some other things but i couldnt understand what he said. i told Serhat to not care and just drive.. but the guy wouldnt stop screaming after us. so Serhat stoped again and the guy came to us and grabbed Serhats hair and said: " do we have any problem ??"  and he started to talk german even though he was turkish. he denied that he was able to speak turkish. and Serhat got really pissed of and it clicked for both of them and they started beating each other. there were two other boys who also jumped on (the) Serhat. it was so incredibly stupid to watch cus everyone was so drunk. i decided to save Serhat, in my high shoes and short dress. so i tripped over and tried to pull away one of the guys who was standing over Serhat hitting him. but then he hit me in my nose. (AUTCH!) i really got so angry and struck back hard so he began to bleed from his nose.( HAHA) he grabbed my hair and Hanna tried to save me! but Bilal came to rescue us and i got Serhat away from there. thats all i remember right now... cus it was so much chaos. i was pissed off and started to walk home!

so that night i had to freez alone cus someone wanted to sleep on the sofa.. but in the middle of the night; " gel amina koyim... gel.." and he was gelling. the story ends there.. :)

other than the fight we have been at Mr Döners home, driven go cart, played biliardO at the bowlingcenter,great time in Kaktus, enjoyed at home with good food, had much fun at James Dean, met new FUNNY people, been driving scooter A LOT, played beergame, screaming "pull lilla ulla" and "hoppa hoppa hoppapa Hadi kayim harasov" cut and colored our hair, been in Balikcilar .... and so on.. we only had a great time all together!
and we had a" things we does not usually do"-day.. or days..  Bilal and Tine took a tattoo.. Hanne went to the hairdresser and Mehmet made her hair DARKER. yes its right.. darker... Tine is now BLOND, like really blond. Tine and Serhat didnt fight. we tried to find new things every day.. :)
my tattoo

Hanne with "dark" hair <3
me with blond hair.. : /

now i will go to bed. really tired now. and i have to drive my mom for work tomorrow early like 07.45! off.. i will meet with Hanne later for a "cup of coffee", and that will be so nice <3 good night and sweet dreams to you all! 

iyi geceler benim altin, rüyalarimda görüyorum :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011


forferdelig dårlig jeg har vært med oppdatering selvom jeg har hatt med meg laptop`en.. fryktelig sløvt.. men har jo alltid så mye å gjøre når man er på ferie.. hehe..
MEN, ferien er over.. back to normal life.. kom hjem ved halv 2 tiden i kveld. reisen hjem var utrolig lang i dag, gudene vet hvorfor.. dårlig søvn på flyet, mye skrikete unger og noen svenske middelaldrende surpumper ved siden av gjorde det ikke så greit.. er det mulig. er det vanskelig eller, vær litt happy a!?

anyways.. har hatt 10 flotte dager. bare koset meg. Hanne dro hjem på tirsdag, og StreetKidsCrew har savnet henne såå mye! :( blir ikke det sammen når man mister et medlem.. fysj, pliktene kaller her hjemme i sykt kalde Norge.. ! det er jo 4-ganger så mye snø nå som det det var da vi dro, det liker jeg svært dårlig. og mer skal det komme i morgen? nei, værsåsnill... la det bli slik det er nå, vi trenger ikke mer snø nå..

some members of StreetKidsCrew..

savner allerede regnværsdagene i Tyrkia jeg.. 15 grader er hvertfall bedre enn 50minus grader.. føles hvertfall så kaldt nå! vil tilbake!!

men helt sant, nå klarer jeg ikke holde øyene åpne lenger, og jeg gleder meg vilt til å legge meg i min egen seng med DYNE!!! vet tyrkere hva DYNE er? ååå dyne er det beste. er lei laken og "disgusting"-pledd.... hadde vært greit med et annet varmeapparat ved siden av med to armen men men.. greit nok, kan ikke få i både pose og i sekk. god natt alle mine søte små. håper dere får en fortryllende natt med fine drømmer <3

iyi geceler patatom tatli rüyalar <3