Sunday, October 31, 2010

do you know what i hate?

i will tell you guys what i hate! ahh i dont think its anything i hate more.. or of course i hate killers, rapers and pedofiles and people like thaaaat! but i mean, this is something that happens almost everyday. like regular things.. well you understand. the point is: I HATE THOSE WHO DRIVE TOO SLOWLY! really i am getting so pissed! haha.. i am sitting in my car, behind this stupid person in front of me, who is driving  10, 20 or 30 km below the speed limit. arrrrrrrg!  cant they understand that the people behind them maybe is to late for work? or have to hurry a bit to reach something.. ?! 
THOSE people are making other motorists to become aggressive and angry drivers.. do we want that? noooo we dont. but does it looks like they understand it ? nooo.. and actually, why are they driving so slow? i understand if they are driving in a neighborhood or a place where kids are playing. or if they are driving in a.. what can i say? dangerous place or something, where you have to speed down a bit. BUT GOD! im talking about the normal roads here.. slowly drivers = other drivers are getting angry = carcrash= dead people !     
soo please open your eyes and stretch out your right leg ( SOME SPEED?!) and follow the traffic signs... is it that hard ?? its a reason why we have the TRAFFIC SIGNS a.q!

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